10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Grins

The reasons to drink Grins are endless. Ranging from the practical to the downright fun, we’ve come up with hundreds of reasons why folks should enjoy the Official Beverage of Happy People. Here are 10 of our favorites:

10. A bottle of Grins has 21 less grams of sugar than a 12oz can of coke. Considering the fact that the average American consumes 44 gallons of soda per year a switch to Grins would result in an annual reduction of almost 22 lbs of sugar from the average American diet!

Considering the fact that the average American consumes 44 gallons of soda per year a switch to Grins would result in an annual reduction of almost 22 lbs of sugar from the average American diet...and believe me, that's A LOT of sugar!

22 lbs is A LOT of sugar!

9. Grins has been known to make wishes come true…just look!

Want more hair?

hair growing

Apply Grins generously to the scalp…and then buy an awesome wig.

Lost Your Dog?

Found him! And a high five from a real princess too!

Found him in front of Grins Headquarters! And a high five from a member of the Grins Board of Directors too!

8. A 12oz serving of grape Grins has one-third of the amount of sugar and calories as a 12oz serving of pure 100% Grape Juice.

                  Grins Grape                        vs.      Pure 100% Grape Juice

Grins 12oz Nutrition Label (2)100% Grape Juice (untreated)

 7. Grins is the official beverage of the moon…at least that’s what we heard. We’ve reached out to the moon for confirmation, but have yet to receive a response.

Crescent Moon project

6. One bottle of Grins is an excellent source of Vitamin C! Vitamin C is highly concentrated in our immune cells, making it an essential part of a healthy diet.

Our intern Meredith grabs a Grins and is feeling better in no time!

Our intern Meredith grabs a Grins and is feeling better in no time!

5. The Grins Board is made up of some of the finest minds in the beverage industry.

Grins Board of Directors preparing for an important conference call.

Grins Board of Directors prepares for an important conference call.

7. Grins is colored with fruit and vegetable juice. According to the American Academy of Pediatricians, artificial colors have been linked to an increased incidence of ADD and ADHD…come to think of it, I often find myself overlooking important details when I’m not drinking Grins!

What are you smiling about you FOOL! It says don't walk!

What are you smiling about you FOOL?! It says don’t walk! And who walks with their hands in their pockets?!

Better awareness thanks to B Vitamins and no artificial colors!

Better awareness thanks to B Vitamins and no artificial colors!

3. Grins “out-tested” other leading beverage brands.

Test Collage

2. Grins is a favorite product and proud supporter of the US Military

Heroes holding Grins.

Heroes holding Grins.

Click the link below to read about Grins’ relationship with the Patriot Foundation, which provides scholarships and support for the children and surviving spouses of soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.


1. Grins is The Official Beverage of Happy People!


Keep Grinning,